
Why rising equities, gold and crude oil not always good 2024

Rising equities, gold and crude oil may not always be good. Recently in late 2023 and early 2024 we have seen rising trend in equity, gold and crude oil prices. This could be building up of euphoria where money is chasing all the asset classes without any fundamentals.

Recently we have seen one way uptrend in s&p 500 from 4200 to 5100 and in the same period gold rising from 1850 to 2090.  This looks unusual to us and a bit of euphoria building up in equity market.

This uptrend could also be well attributed to recent press conference conducted by Russian president Mr. Putin who warned West countries on sending Troops to Ukraine where he hinted on potential Nuclear war risks.

We believe this news could have created shorts in global equity markets in last few days, this uptrend will make all the shorts to be covered or squared off before the market actually starts reacting to the news in real sense.

Below are the basics on the correlation between Gold and Equity markets.

Rising Equities

For many investors, a surge in equities is akin to a financial victory dance. It usually signifies a robust economy, increased corporate profits, and a generally positive business outlook. However, there’s a catch – sometimes the stock market can be a bit too exuberant. Rapidly rising equities may not always reflect the true economic fundamentals but instead could be a result of speculative fervor or inflated valuations.

Gold Investment

On the flip side, gold has long been considered a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty. Traditionally, when equities take a hit, gold tends to shine brighter. Investors flock to the precious metal as a hedge against inflation, currency devaluation, and global geopolitical turmoil. However, in periods of rapid economic growth, gold

The Balancing Act

So, why isn’t the combination of rising equities and gold prices always a match made in financial heaven? The answer lies in the delicate balance between risk and reward. When equities surge, there’s a natural tendency for investors to become more complacent and confident. In this environment, the demand for safe-haven assets like gold may diminish, as the fear of economic downturns takes a backseat to the allure of high returns from stocks.

Similarly, gold prices might not react positively to every uptick in equities. If the surge in the stock market is driven by speculative bubbles or unsustainable growth, it could eventually lead to a correction. In such cases, gold might regain its safe-haven status as investors seek refuge from the turbulence in the equity markets.


While it’s tempting to celebrate when both equities and gold prices are on the rise, investors should exercise caution and consider the underlying factors driving these trends. A balanced and diversified portfolio is crucial to weather the storms that financial markets inevitably bring. Understanding the complex relationship between equities and gold can help investors make informed decisions, mitigating risks and optimizing returns in any market condition. So, the next time you see both stocks and gold soaring, remember that not all that glitters is necessarily gold for your investment portfolio.

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